Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Little gizmo helps Mom hear better on the phone

Mom's got some hearing loss and it seems to get worse all the time.   She has a hearing aid but using it on the telephone causes distortions that bother her.    Talking with family and friends on the phone is a major source of support and entertainment for her so I've been really concerned when I know she can't hear me talking to her.  I end up yelling into the phone yet she still can't seem to hear me.   I want to talk WITH her not just listen to her ramble; knowing what's going on with us helps keep her in the loop and she enjoys it. 

Before I go out and buy a volume controlled phone - the best start at $100  - I thought I'd try an in-line amplifier first.  Mom complained of echos and static on the phone so I hoped this would fix that and it did.  I spoke with her for more than 20 minutes and only had to yell once!  It was a huge relief.  I still need to get a phone with volume control on the handset or receiver but this will help reduce distortion on the line and boost the volume for Mom too.

I found the following product at  I usually don't like to shop Walmart but they had it for the best price and I could have it sent directly to Mom's apartment.  I should add that it takes a couple of AAA batteries but the first ones are included with the amplifier.   I also liked that she could adjust the volume on the unit.

Clarity CE-125 High Frequency Portable Telephone Amplifier, US$14.82.

Please note that I am not receiving any sort of compensation for listing this product on my blog.   I have not been given any products or samples by the manufacturer or distributor.  I've posted it simply because it is a useful tool for my mom.

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